Published by: Mike Cutino
By: Frank J. Lombardo
Photograph and Video Credits to Gabriella Tolin

Nightlifemag.com and Appearing Live Tonight recently caught up with Long Island’s Newest Pop Sensation, Nicolette Furno at the legendary, Sixth Annual Famous Food Festival at the Tanger Outlets in Deer Park, New York.
Nicolette was one of three artists from IndiMusic TV that opened the last day of this three day event. In addition to Nicolette, we experienced the original music of new and promising pop artist, Parker Robinson and a very socially aware rap artist, Davey J both from IndiMusic TV. Davey J accompanied Nicolette on stage during two of her songs and appears on her Debut Single entitled “Move”. Although three artists took the standing room only audience by total surprise, it was Nicolette’s high energy and that of her three background dancers that had the audience on their feet and dancing to her songs, Move, Living for the Future and Tell Me Why. At the end of her set, nearby food truck vendors blared their horns in appreciation of her voice and on stage presence. Nicolette’s music can be found, on most (if not all) music streaming platforms, such as Spotify, Youtube, Apple Music, Pandora and Amazon.
We caught up with Nicolette after her astonishing performance where she advised that she will be recording a full album very soon. In addition, Nicolette is very excited that in addition to the recent release of “Move” and her two other songs, Living for the Future and Tell Me Why will be released in the very near future. Nicolette also recently recorded appearances for three episodes of world renowned children’s television program Wonderama in New York’s Time’s Square hosted by David Osmond (son of Alan Osmond). Her appearances will air this coming fall.

Nightlife that he knows that with her vocal talents, stage presence and her natural musical abilities Nicolette will no doubt be a chart topping artist and entertainer. This coming from a music business veteran of over 40 years.
Chris is the Founder/Chairman of the very successful www.indimusic.tv, a 24/7 global Music Broadcast Network and independent social community. IndiMusic TV can be found at www.indimusic.tv and OTT platforms such as ROKU and Amazon Fire TV. IndiMusic TV is responsible for launching such artists as Justina Valentine (Wild N Out on MTV) and the Lumineers “Ho Hey”. IndiMusic is celebrating its 10th year on air globally.
In addition, his IndiMusic TV project Chris answered the challenge of the coronavirus pandemic when he founded www.iconcert.tv…a live streaming platform that enables musicians to monetize their performances from anywhere directly to their Paypal. As if that isn’t enough, Chris is a multi-instrumentalist playing, keys, bass, percussion, guitar and violin, conductor and arranger with over 2 dozen Top 20 Billboard hits. He is also known as a blues guitarist with a top 15 Billboard Blues Album in 1998 with his album Black Chair. He directed and arranged all of the music for the Peter Noone and Herman’s Hermit’s symphony shows. He has built and ran four recording studios and has shared the stage with Bon Jovi, Peter Frampton, Smokey Robinson, Josh Groban, John Sebastian, Hubert Sumlin, Chris Layton, Tommy Shannon (SRV’s Double Trouble) and has played for both Presidents, Obama and Trump at their respective inaugurals.
After we were treated to some awesome live entertainment we decided to walk around the festival and sample some of the culinary treats being offered. As we walked around the festival that had a carnival/state fair atmosphere we observed numerous amusement park rides for the children, carnival games of chance, a Rock climbing wall, a Long Island Cuban Cigar trailer, a Vampire escape room and a Mobile Man-cave, (the ultimate tailgating and special event mobile entertainment mobile, a fully renovated enclosed trailer that can only be described the “Ultimate Party Room on wheels”. The VIP section of the festival grounds also offered adult beverages, corn-hole, expanded seating areas with palm tree décor and more.
The “midway” was jammed with too many food and arts and crafts vendors to count. The Famous Food Festival is definitely the ultimate culinary experience with foods from over 50 countries from experienced chefs from the New York City Metropolitan area as well as local family vendors that showcased many mouthwatering treats.
Appearing Live Tonight experienced only a small sample of these exotic treats including Caribbean steak sliders, street beef tacos, Brazilian style steak sandwiches served in a smoked chipotle yuca cheese roll from Braziliciousnyc, mouthwatering grilled Shrimp from “Grilled to Perfection” and washed it down with the perfect fresh squeezed Lemonade. The pan seared chicken goyoza dumplings made your taste buds tingle as you placed them in your mouth followed by a non-alcoholic iced Mai-Tai. We couldn’t leave until we sampled the famous freshly fried Italian zeppole and the most popular Brazilian candy, Brigadeiros, a chocolate fudge in mousse form that melted in our mouth. But most surprising was the Caribbean Pilipino fried Watermelon treats that were topped with the perfect creamy vanilla sauced.
Notwithstanding the food experience it was watching Nicolette perform that overwhelmed us with her powerful voice and her connection to her audience. She and her dancing trio brought overpowering energy to the stage. Her talent stood out as she maintained that onstage intensity for which her fans, new and old, openly enjoyed. Nicolette’s consistent musical talent, her flawless vocals, on stage presence and live performance evidenced her bright and promising future in the music industry.
Keep on the lookout for more Appearing Live Tonight. Remember, support live music and enjoy your “NIGHTLIFE.”